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How to Use Valve Index Controllers with HP Reverb G2 Headset

Here is a brief tutorial on how to pair Valve Index Controllers with a HP Reverb G2 using VRdongles USB wireless receiver.

Base Stations:

1. Set up Base Stations. Place them in opposite corners of your play area, diagonally oriented, and plug them into power. Ideally they are positioned just above eye level, but any height with direct line-of-sight will do. Ensure that they are in a location where they will not be subject to vibration or movement as this will interfere with tracking.

Controller Pairing:
2. Plug your Index Controllers (or similar VR peripheral) directly into your computer using a USB cable. Your PC will pick up the device(s) and install the necessary drivers. Once installed, unplug your controllers from the USB.
3. Plug in one VRdongle USB dongle (not both). Windows should detect the device and display a notification, installing "Watchman Dongle". It is recommended that the USB dongle be stationed in a USB 2.0 port on a USB hub extender away from the computer and within line of sight with your play area.

4. Pair your Index Controller or similar device by opening SteamVR. Right click the settings menu, go to "Devices > Pair Device" and follow the instructions to pair. For Index Controllers you hold B and the System button until there is a blue flashing light. When the light turns green you have successfully paired the controller with the dongle.

5. Remove the VRdongle you just paired, and now insert the other VR dongle for your second controller. Follow steps 3 and 4 again for the second dongle. You can only pair one dongle at a time.

Repeat for as many devices as you are connecting.

7. Install OpenVR-SpaceCalibrator (free .exe installer on github)
8. Install OpenVR Advanced Settings (free in Steam Store)

9. Launch SteamVR, put on your headset, and go into Space Calibrator. Select your right handed Reverb G2 controller, and calibrate it with your right handed Index controller. During calibration move your controllers around your play space to send calibration data to your computer. Make sure to select slow or very slow calibration tor optimal configuration.

10. Repeat with left hand controller.

Done! That should be all you need to pair your devices.

A really great writeup with more detailed instructions and some common troubleshooting scenarios can be found in the MixedVR github:

